07 July 2009

Its crazy how much I remember about DDO. I am having a great time running around Stormreach and meeting wonderful people. I am sort of surprised at how many new people I am grouping with, that says a lot about how effective the new DDO unlimited advertising is.

Shan-To-Kor is as crazy as I remembered, we wiped a few time (we were trying the first parts on Elite) and finished it on hard. I admit I have to pay more attention to the rewards I get after big quest chains. After STK I decided to take a necklace of Wisdom (+1 Wis) instead of the Charisma Cloak ( +2 Cha). I was thinking that the boost to my wisdom would allow me to cast first level spells, to my dismay I needed a +2 wis item. Oh well guess I have to run the dungeon again :)

The addition of hirelings to the game since I last played is very important because this is a group oriented game. I had a feeling I might be using them for the lower levels until DDO Unlimited goes live due to the age of the game. Unfortunately I have not used one yet playing solo, a Paladin is really solo friendly and I am having good luck finding groups. I have a feeling that when I roll a caster they might become very important.

Well that is it, if you decide to play look me up on Sarlona, the name is Innis Gunn.

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