30 July 2009

Change of address

I have decided to change the focus of my blogging to just a general everything blog (focusing mostly on Gaming and Sports). And with the way my 09 has been going so far I though it best to do a clean break and hopefully leave all the negativity behind. I started a new blog @ arthur1977.wordpress.com called Slow Learner. Please feel free to stop by and leave comments and suggestions. Its been fun and see you online!

17 July 2009

Character Sheet

Syp posted a great personal character sheet on his blog and dared others to follow suit. Well here it is:

Character Name: Arhur1977
Guild: Family (2-member guild)
Class: Level 17 Spinning Technician, Level 2 Blogger

Strength: 11
Intelligence: 13
Dexterity: 12
Charisma: 10
Wisdom: 10
Stamina: 12
Perception: 13
Humor: 16

Writing – rank 3
Origami – rank 1
Video Games – rank 9
Reading – rank 8
Public Speaking – rank 4
Leadership – rank 6
Shadow Puppets – rank 1
Texas Hold'em - 6
3-Pitch Baseball - 7
Pick-up Hockey - 5

iPod Touch (Vancouver Canuck logo on back)
Dockers plus a tee shirt
Honda CRV
Strong Black Coffee
Excel White Gum

13 July 2009

DDOcast 125

While killing time at work, I though I should remind people to check out the newest DDOcast. With the NDA now lifted these great pod casters have some insightful information and discussion about the future of the game.

07 July 2009

Its crazy how much I remember about DDO. I am having a great time running around Stormreach and meeting wonderful people. I am sort of surprised at how many new people I am grouping with, that says a lot about how effective the new DDO unlimited advertising is.

Shan-To-Kor is as crazy as I remembered, we wiped a few time (we were trying the first parts on Elite) and finished it on hard. I admit I have to pay more attention to the rewards I get after big quest chains. After STK I decided to take a necklace of Wisdom (+1 Wis) instead of the Charisma Cloak ( +2 Cha). I was thinking that the boost to my wisdom would allow me to cast first level spells, to my dismay I needed a +2 wis item. Oh well guess I have to run the dungeon again :)

The addition of hirelings to the game since I last played is very important because this is a group oriented game. I had a feeling I might be using them for the lower levels until DDO Unlimited goes live due to the age of the game. Unfortunately I have not used one yet playing solo, a Paladin is really solo friendly and I am having good luck finding groups. I have a feeling that when I roll a caster they might become very important.

Well that is it, if you decide to play look me up on Sarlona, the name is Innis Gunn.